The Acting Director General of the Department of Water and Sanitation has, in terms of item 6(1) of schedule 3 to the NWA read with section 72(1) of the NWA, limited the taking of water from the Western Cape Water Supply System as follows:
- At least a 40% of curtailment on all domestic and industrial water use;
- At least a 50% of curtailment on all agricultural water use;
- Measured against the water demand of the users as per the five year average from 2010/11-2014/15;
- The limitation applies from the 1 October 2017;
- The Western Cape Provincial Head is directed to lift the water restrictions should the Western Cape Water Supply System recover to above 85% before the next decision date.
Furthermore, the Acting Director General of the Department of Water and Sanitation has, in terms of item 4 of schedule 3 to the NWA read with section 72(1) of the NWA and GN 131 of 2017, directed that with effect from 1 November 2017, all water user sectors groups and individuals abstracting water from the Berg River catchment area and dams and/or rivers that form part of the system to install electronic recording, monitoring or water measuring devices to enable monitoring of abstraction, storage and use of existing lawful water and establish links with any monitoring or management system as well as keeping of records of the water use exercised.