The Acting Director-General of the Department of Water and Sanitation acting under delegated authority, in terms of item 6(1) of Schedule 3 read with section 72(1) of the NWA, has by notice in the gazette amended and limited the taking and storing of water in terms of section 21(a) and 21(b) by all users in the geographical areas below, as
1. The Algoa Water Supply System (WSS) and associated primary catchments by:
- Decreasing the curtailment from 30% to 25% on all taking of water from surface or groundwater resources for domestic and industrial water use from the Algoa WSS and the relevant parts of the catchments within which the Algoa WSS occurs;
- Decreasing the curtailment from 80% to 60% on all taking of water from surface or groundwater resources for agricultural water use from the Algoa WSS and the relevant parts of the primary catchments within which the Algoa WSS occurs;
- Directing that the taking of water from individual sub-systems and dams in the Algoa WSS be limited to the reduced allocations as specified in Table 1 of the notice;
- Directing that the Eastern Cape Provincial Head is delegated the power to lift the water restrictions should the Algoa WSS recover to above 65% before the next decision date on 1 June 2019; and
- Further, directing the Eastern Cape Provincial Head to cease further releases from any system dams once an agricultural bulk water user association, irrigation board and /or individual water users have depleted their curtailed annual bulk volumes.